CDP1802's Stuff

The sixth version of a website that I still can't figure out.

Computers - Entertainment - Firearms - Postcards - Retrochallenge 2024/10 | Info

Welcome to me feeling a little inspiration to get things done!

It's October 6th of 2024 as I write this. It's 0207, I'm a little tired, and I'm just waiting on my earbuds to charge so I can go walk twenty minutes outside to pick up a few things before going to bed. Perfect time to update this or so I think!

I'm finally getting around to shipping out a fair few old systems in batches, it's going to take all of October but I should get 95% of what I said I'd throw to others out my doors. All but three boxes of laserdiscs I don't have any intent on watching got sent out, four computers were mailed off, sixteen or so games found homes that want to play them, and two CPUs doing nothing at my place were given to someone who could use 'em to upgrade a system. At the moment I have another twelve or so computers marked for release let alone everything else. I'd say that's good progress!

Retrochallenge stuff should start moving today. I had a pretty busy work week, stuff from 9AM-2PM then work from 3PM-12AM then sleep from 1AM-9AM every day, so not much happened. The 5th was also pretty busy because I had people coming by to help them with various things. I'm finally free on the 6th! I need to make some sort of serial interface for a MZ-80K so I think I'll take one of my bunch of 6850s laying around, figure out what all it needs to be happily connected to the processor, and work with the thing. Will it be simple? I hope it's going to be simple. I think I remember the RC2014 6850 serial card was all of three ICs, the 6850 + a 74HCT04 + a MAX232, alongside some caps and resistors. Maybe I can, in the spirit of retrochallenge, just use that? lol

I opened another section of the site for firearms stuff because I do collect an amount of it as a hobby, I do go out for a decent bit of target shooting as a way to have fun/burn time, and I like mechanical bits. Will I write anything all that important? Probably not. I just plan on documenting the various things I get and saying if I like 'em or not, sorta a way for me to remember prices I paid and what I've played with. I always say I need more content for this site so I see no harm in throwing that up...

I, on the idea of site sections, also am temporarily removing a few sections. Airsoft, Music, and Games had frankly nothing in them and I'd like to redo them. Airsoft may also just be able to fit under Firearms as a sub-section? Music and Games could just become Entertainment. I don't want that top bar getting too big.

I did buy two more old computers because of eBay deals so expect stuff about them soon. There was a Timex Sinclair 2068 for $48 shipped to my door, that seemed like a reasonable price for one after years of seeing the things costing $200-300. There was also a PET 2001N located maybe an hour away for which the seller took my $400 offer, I'll be driving to grab it plus a disk unit and printer next weekend or so. They should be fun systems! I like Spectrums and I love '70s boxes.

Last Update: 10064-0228
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