Apologies for things up and disappearing yet again.

I mentioned that this is a bad time of the year for me.
My fault for thinking I was going to get off without issue.

I'm pulling the rest of the year off Windows.
My phone now only does text messages, calls, and music.
I don't want to sit around and scroll depressing stuff.
I don't want to be scared. I want to feel happy.
I don't know when I'll have any actual content back here.
I would try to put the MZ-80 stuff back up.
I just don't remember what all I wrote. The files are gone.
Oh well.

Some of the only things I kept were the plans for CC-100.
Maybe I'll feel happier when I actually get a board out.
I'll start working on that soon.
Once again I've decided this site should regress.
The last version of this site had me editing in a web browser.
I've now mounted the site via WebDAV on a RPi.
I have a VT52 in my bedroom connected to said RPi.
I'm using said VT52 to run text editors and write pages.

You may ask why pages are only 64-column, not 80-column.
I own a Heathkit H9, it's a 64x16 video terminal.
I find Don Lancaster's TV Typewriters neat.
I'd like to be able to edit pages on systems like those.

Is this a dumb gimmick? Sure.
Will I have fun with it? I think so.
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