One week in, still liking the terminal thing.
Some buddies hosted a little LAN party the other day. We've been
playing a bit of Artemis Spaceship Bridge Simulator, Star Trek
the video game, and they dropped their newest iteration called
Cosmos the day before said LAN party.

It's fun seeing how people react to changes. We played V1 (1.7)
V2 (2.6) and then V3 (Cosmos). I started on 2.6 so 1.7 felt
miserable to me, just dull, while others who started on it see
it as the best version ever made. We all agree that 2.6 is ok
since we normally play that one. We all were shocked by the
changes present in Cosmos, learning a whole new UI and set of
systems that go against what both V1 and V2 had.

I'm excited to see how things develop over time. We all have
some amount of gripes with Cosmos, maybe in a year from now it
could be the main version that we run? Who knows.
I've decided to get a bit more back into birding, specifically
with things like logging what I see in my area/taking pictures
of the stuff I can/having feeders set up.

I found it quite peaceful in the past, a real calm hobby where
I would just watch little animals peck about. I've been looking
to get that peace back in my life. Why not reintroduce the
peaceful hobby?

It's not that I ever fully dropped birding, it's just that I 
made it a much lower priority even though it was bringing me
so much joy. It should be fun to have it back.
The opposite of peaceful, I've been struggling in KiCad yet
again due to my lack of experience and understanding when it
comes to routing circuit boards. I need to see if there's some 
sort of tutorial on this stuff that exists because I really 
just don't get it, I can never make a nicely laid-out set of
chips. I just make jumbled spaghetti. 
I added another section called "Systems" which talks about the
things of the system variety which I own. I haven't put much up
because I have to redo everything but I'll try to do one or two
a week.
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