Spending Time // 26.03.2024

In the last bit of text that went here, I mentioned concerts. I guess I might be spending a little extra time in Boston, there are two shows up that way which sound kinda fun. The timing on them is a bit goofy, it would be "Go up for one weekend, come back home to work the next weekend, then go back up the weekend after" (which is why I'm not sure if I'll really do both just yet...), but the plane ticket doesn't cost a ton (or I'll just drive) and I do enjoy getting to see the buddy up that way. They're back around here for the week, I'll actually see 'em Thursday to catch an event together, and golly gee do we need to figure a fair bit out for that Europe trip still...

Also in the last bit of text that went here, I mentioned airsoft. I gave into the dumbest desires, I grabbed a LCT PKP as the thing to "get me back into the game". It's an excuse to do a few things, notably working on strength/endurance and learning how to tech a gearbox farther than swapping the main spring. I will also be getting some sort of backup to go alongside it, I'm working on a $1500 budget for this (and said PKP was $840 of that, oops) so there ain't room for anything crazy but I think making a CYMA 040 look like the AKM-74/2 from STALKER would be fun. We know for sure that we're going to start playing in May, probably once or twice a month for every month after that, and I think I'm looking forward to it? I'll probably make a little section on here again once that gets rolling, both to document what I've done, compile info on my classics/collectables, post up STLs, and just talk about fields.

Spurred by yet another potential entry to the idea that started as making a Visual Novel for the PC98, I'm thinking it might be time to start digging into 6502 assembly. Writing the tabletop game has been going well, I probably have enough for five to six sessions of gameply, and in wanting to make more connections between the PC98/Mac/Tabletop storylines I drafted out a fourth. It might end up finding its way onto a NES/Famicom cartridge, I have about ten pages of info wrote in the 'ol remarkable about it right now, provided I can come up with a UI I want to shoot for and some graphics to try drawing out.

Oh yeah, boxes are finally kinda moving. I shipped some stuff to someone on Reddit, I have three boxes being packed right now (I ran out of bubble wrap again lol), and I'm starting on a fourth with items scattered all around the house. It feels good to finally get stuff out the door, it's been for friggin' ever and I feel bad about taking so much time. Hopefully having a four-day weekend helps me cut all this off my list...

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