Holiday Pay // 01.04.2024

I always enjoy a good holiday weekend at work where I put the weekend before it on the paycheck. I get the holiday itself off, no need to go in to make up OT, and it's just free paid time off. Sure, maybe that's a bit weird to say "I like working a weekend" but I mean hey +moni and free day(s) off means I can't complain. Speaking of those days off, I went to the Pens vs. Blue Jackets game on Thursday alongside three buddies. It was really nice after seeing like six losses in a rowto finally see the team I (mildly) care about actually win (not in this season, just that the pens lost at the last six games I've gone to). Friday was a day off, I cleaned out the garage of useless cardboard and got some work done on various little projects that just hadn't been going anywhere for a while. Saturday was just a really chill day playing games and restarting work on the LSI-11. Yesterday was visiting a buddy, a little bit of playing some games, and eating ham. All nice if I say so myself.

I actually did a little work on some retro computers yesterday, steps towards getting more content that isn't just these lazy blog posts up, so that was pretty cool. I have this Compaq DLT drive, it had a 15/30GB mechanism that was honestly really nice, and said mechanism kinda exploded in-operation on me. One (admittedly nearly useless, I was just storing a junk OS backup on it) cartridge alognside said mechanism are flat dead, now it's gonna be a mix of a BlueSCSI box (since I can mount a V2 board inside it then hook to the CN50s on the back) and a Greaseweazle box (since it holds a full-height 5.25" drive or two half-height 5.25" drives). Those are both something I've wanted for a good while now, a "universal boot box" that I can just load a ton of images onto + a dedicated container for holding disk dumping utilities (some sort of Teac 5.25" FDD, probably a 55GFR, and also a little 3.5" drive) should be really convenient. I do need to figure out if there's some way I can sneak an 8" FDD adapter into the mix as well, I'd really like to have a SA800 set up since I have a ton of SA800 disks that need good backups, but that'll be for later and idk I may just make that a whole separate thing. Expect to see something about that box once the BlueSCSI is installed and a LSI-11 once I 3D print a little side plate that'll make more sense in the future.

The big boy for playing airsoft (the LCT PKP) came in the mail and my oh my, talk about a hefty idiot. It's just like they advertised: 4ft long, up to ~30lbs(ish) when fully loaded, entirely not ergonomic, damn awkward to maneuver, and a ton of fun to mess with. I'm still suffering through fitting a Bullgear hop unit to it, I'm slowly shaving metal off the ends trying to get the feed channels to line up that way the thing actually gets BBs to fire out, but it really ain't too bad a process to deal with. The smaller doodad, the CYMA AKS-74, comes in sometime towards the end of this week. I haven't ordered the accessories (green handguard set, new hop bucking/nub, new barrel) for it just yet because I'm still figuring out what all else I should grab, I have up to two buddies who are going to be bringing CYMA M14s for me to do a little work on as well and I'd like everything to come in a single order. We did decide that we're going to try to go to the two currently-scheduled Gun Gamers Productions events, Trailblazer and Shadows, because they just sound fun. That said...

I was doing okay on losing weight, I dropped all the way down to 300lbs flat after a peak of 420lbs-ish, but then my head went to shit and I kinda ruined it. I'm back up to 355 and I lost basically all the progress I made on being properly fit. I hate myself for it. I would really like to not be stupidly overweight when I go to Europe in July, I would love to go to these bigger airsoft games again without dragging an entire squad down since actual friends are showing interest, and I'd love to get back into backpacking instead of just small hikes. Starting Tuesday, I'm finally getting myself back to hitting the gym every day. I've been talking about it with a coworker for months now but "talking about it" is going nowhere, the gym itself is right next to work, they're open when I get out of work, and I need to just push myself to start going again. I know a Planet Fitness ain't anything crazy special but hey, whatever, it gets the job done. The reason it's Tuesday, not Monday, is that I basically have no t-shirts worth a damn and my sneakers are kinda crap thanks to Dr. Scholls inserts making my feet hurt more than anything else. Both of said issues are being corrected tomorrow. I'm hoping that this works for the best, I mean it should, but I know that I have some other habits that also need work in order to make what I do meaningful. The big one is just eating at night, Sheetz is on every single route home and 24/7 and cheap as hell (for what I get) so my head got into the habit of craving it and I'm ass at resisting it. If I do that, if I make sure I cook more proper meals, and if go back to only one soda a month (instead of two a week) then I'll be back on the right track. I know I'll still be heavy for all the upcoming stuff but that's fine, maybe I'll be back down to that 300lb mark and any work I can do will just make me feel better.

I'd keep writing but I'm drifting off on my keyboard, it's 0031 and I've kinda been neglecting sleep so I should go do that.

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