CDP1802's RC2024/10 Stuff

Can I build some MZ-80K expansione? Let's find out!

Introduction - 09144 @ 0107

I've been quite a fan of the Sharp MZ computers for some time now. I own a handful of 'em, the list as-of writing being the 80K2 80C 80B 700 2200 (boardset only) 2511 2861 3500 and 6550. The 80K2 is without a doubt my favorite of all those models: It's the first of the bunch, it's the simplest of the bunch, it's got lots of cool software, I find the all-in-one form factor really neat, it has a well-documented history from both Japanese owners and UK-based clubs, and it has the dumbest (in a good way) keyboard of the pack.

A few years back I thought it would be pretty cool to try and track down a MZ-80I/O interface unit, the politely rectangular box with five card slots that sits outside the system and never blows RIFAs up causing your basement to smell horrible. Who wouldn't want to expand their computer with cool things like parallel cards? Everyone loves those, right? Well, even if ya don't, I found an I/O box on Yahoo Auctions for something like five thousand yen (it was around when the exchange rate was 114 yen to the dollar which meant I was more than okay with the price) and I couldn't say no to owning it.

Ever since getting that MZ-80I/O box I've had one major issue: I can't seem to find any expansion cards. I was able to get my hands on the goofy 8085-based MZ-80MCR, that thing that cost 198,000 yen back in the day and only exists to read piles of JIS X 6193:1975-spec info cards into your computer, I just haven't found a MZ-80MCB to go with it. I've seen the floppy interface cards go for sale but do I really want to pay $200+ for one let alone getting the always-popular associated drive unit? Worst of all, I haven't even found a parallel card for sale! Ain't that lame?

So, after years of staring at my very empty MZ-80I/O, I'm using RC2024/10 as an excuse to just go make an expansion card or two. My original thoughts were that I'd like to do some sort of RS232 card, a way to control my old Lionel trains, or something that lets me get the 80K2 on wifi that eventually becomes a FujiNet. Those are all neat but plans may have changed.

After filling out my RetroChallenge Entry, I noticed a funny little comment from the people running the event: Maybe CDP1802 can use the Sharp MS-80K to run a popcorn popper?!

I think I know what has to be done.

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Last Update: 09144-0107
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