CDP1802's Magic: The Gathering Stuff

Cardboard crack.

I quite like playing with old cards.

I've been playing Magic: The Gathering for a long time now. I haven't been actively keeping up with the game, I just about lost all interest in following Standard around War of the Spark, but I have been enjoying the cards I own while seeing out new (old) ones. My main group of formats are the things you'll find in the OldSchoolMTG Discord server; 93/94 (EC and ATL), Alpha40, U40, and Ante40K are personal favorites. I do occasionally play EDH, it's my one excuse to check out the newer cards, but my decks in that format always have a max spending budget of $50 (including the sleeves + box) so I never play anything good.

The big reason that I'm drawn to Old School is that I just find the community a lot more fun. Casual games at bars for charity, webcam events with silly prizes, or even just sitting down across from someone random with a pile of real old cards are all fun things to me. I know there are competitive scenes but it's pretty easy to dodge them when I don't want to be around them. My larger LGS is frankly a toxic mess when it comes to the sanctioned formats and I'm happy to play the game while avoiding that messy, rude, and sometimes pretty damn smelly side of things.

Oh and I also just hate MTG financebros that populate so much of the current sanctioned scenes. They suck and they do nothing but make the game suck.

My main 93/94 deck is my first 93/94 deck, White Weenie. I know it's not exactly the best mono-color pile in the format but I don't care, I enjoy running it (and some dumb variations of it). My decklist currently goes as-follows:

15 Plains, 4 Strip Mine
4 Clergy of the Holy Nimbus, 4 Icatian Javelineers, 4 Tundra Wolves, 4 Savannah Lions, 2 Abu Jafar, 1 White Knight, 1 Order of Leitbur, 3 Preacher
4 Swords to Plowshares, 4 Disenchant, 1 Balance, 4 Crusade, 4 Army of Allah, 1 Armagedon

It's by no means the best way to play the deck. I should be running more White Knights, more Order of Leitburs, and less Army of Allahs. That said, it's a way to play the deck that I find fun. I constantly make fat walls of creatures, admittedly running out of gas quite often since there's no card draw and tons of single-mana spells. Army of Allah has proven to be quite the fun little combat trick, people don't expect the sudden +2/+0 all too often. Eventually I would like to pivot to a more Arabian Nights-heavy deck for the fun of it some day, running copies of silly cards like Camel and pretty powerful cards like Jihad would be cool if I could. Owning a playset of Thunder Spirits so I could play Swedish might also be neat.

After finding out about the "Pearled Unicorn Parlor" sub-format of U40, I've also made a deck meant to be played there! It changes often as the idea is simply "singleton green/black with lands on top". Some constant "staples" to the deck, the cards that I like to keep in the pile, include:

The Hive
Rod of Ruin
Kormus Bell
Living Lands
Bad Moon
Stream of Life
Frozen Shade
Grizzly Bears
Craw Wurm

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